My Curriculum

Professor of Labour and Social Security Law and Director of the Chair of Immigration, Rights and Citizenship, University of Girona (Catalonia, Spain)
In addition to his teaching and research work as Professor of Labour Law and Director of the Chair of Immigration (University of Girona),Dr. Camas Roda is a Socieux+ EU international expert on Labour and Employment. He has also been appointed guest lecturer at the University of Perpignan (France).
In his role as Professor of Labour and Social Security Law, he lectures at the University of Girona notably in the Law Degree and the Master’s Degree in Work, Labour Relations and Human Resources.
His research work is focused on the areas of immigration and the labour market; employment and vocational training; EU Social Law and the free movement of workers; working conditions and workplace health and safety, and finally, the division of powers between the State and the Autonomous Communities with regard to Labour Relations.
As a result of his research, Dr. Camas has published several books and articles in specialist journals, including the monograph Decent Work and Immigrants in Spain, published in 2016 by Editorial Huygens, and a chapter entitled EU Immigration Policies in the co-authored work Major Current Debates in Labour Law and Social Protection. Studies in Memory of Dr. Manuel Ramón Alarcón Caracuel, published in 2016 by the Andalusia Labour Relations Board. And finally, his article on the prohibition of discrimination against families of workers who have exercised their right to freedom of movement from obtaining social benefits was published in 2017 for the journal Trabajo y Derecho.
To conclude, it should be noted that Dr. Camas Roda is a member of the editorial board of the journal Modulema (a scientific journal on Cultural Diversity) and honorary member of the editorial board of Juruá Editorial and "Consinter" (International Board of Contemporary Postgraduate Studies).
In his role as Professor of Labour and Social Security Law, he lectures at the University of Girona notably in the Law Degree and the Master’s Degree in Work, Labour Relations and Human Resources.
His research work is focused on the areas of immigration and the labour market; employment and vocational training; EU Social Law and the free movement of workers; working conditions and workplace health and safety, and finally, the division of powers between the State and the Autonomous Communities with regard to Labour Relations.
As a result of his research, Dr. Camas has published several books and articles in specialist journals, including the monograph Decent Work and Immigrants in Spain, published in 2016 by Editorial Huygens, and a chapter entitled EU Immigration Policies in the co-authored work Major Current Debates in Labour Law and Social Protection. Studies in Memory of Dr. Manuel Ramón Alarcón Caracuel, published in 2016 by the Andalusia Labour Relations Board. And finally, his article on the prohibition of discrimination against families of workers who have exercised their right to freedom of movement from obtaining social benefits was published in 2017 for the journal Trabajo y Derecho.
To conclude, it should be noted that Dr. Camas Roda is a member of the editorial board of the journal Modulema (a scientific journal on Cultural Diversity) and honorary member of the editorial board of Juruá Editorial and "Consinter" (International Board of Contemporary Postgraduate Studies).