
My latest book: Decent Work and Immigrants in Spain

My latest book: Decent Work and Immigrants in Spain

I am very pleased to announce the publication of my book “Decent work and immigrants in Spain. A study on labour rights for migrant workers and on decent work as an international objective”. It has been published by the Barcelona-based Huygens Editorial in their LEX collection. You can find the main details about this book on the Huygens Editorial website by clicking on this link.

Despite being a legal treatise, this book also reflects on the social and political, primarily economic, issues, which migrant movements are currently involved in worldwide.

The book is divided into an Introduction, three Chapters, Final Conclusion and Bibliography.

The three chapters deal with the following issues:

- The aim of Chapter 1 is to analyse how the concept of decent work has been established globally.

-Chapter 2 focuses on exploring international labour migration regulation and its link to decent work.

- Chapter 3 analyses the legal channels for decent working conditions to be recognised in Spain.

This last chapter also deals with obstacles encountered by non-EU citizens to enter employment, immigrant integration in Spain through work, and lastly, social protection measures, focusing particularly on undocumented migrants.

Finally, I’m taking the liberty of copying down here the blurb on the book’s back cover:

“Decent work is a global reference value, first promoted by the International Labour Organization and later adopted by the United Nations in 2015 in its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a primary tool in eradicating poverty.

Based on its founding principles, decent work is first defined in this book with a view to improving the working conditions of workers, regardless of their origins. Yet, the author does not stop here, but goes on to offer ideas on redirecting the development of the decent work concept at an international level, linking it accordingly to the principle of human dignity, and insisting on the value of the law as a tool to guarantee its implementation and promote quality employment with rights.

The second main issue addressed in this study is the analysis of laws that regulate the labour rights of migrants, so they are able to benefit from decent work. A review is made of Spanish, European Union and international legislation to know existing legal instruments for promoting respect for fundamental labour and social protection rights for immigrants. The author also reflects on the need to reconsider Spanish and European policies regarding access to employment for economic migrants; in other words, the need to adopt brave solutions that open up channels to permit the entry of foreigners seeking employmentto Spain. This is absolutely essential given the historical and human significance currently attached to migratory movements”.

I hope you find this book interesting.

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