
Academic goals for 2014-2015

The team of persons working in the Area of Labour and Social Security Law of the University of Gironaand collaborating with the Chair of Immigration, Rights and Citizenship, of which I am director, have committed themselves to meeting, for 2014-2015,a series of high-level, demanding objectives in the area of university teaching and research

These are the objectives we hope to achieve during this coming academic year:

a) We are very pleased that the Catalan Government (la Generalitat) has awarded us a grant to carry out research on religious diversity. Specifically, earlier this month the Directorate-General for Religious Affairs adopted a resolutiongranting the UdG’s Labour Law team, of which I am responsible and made up of Dr Ignacio Camós, DrJuditBaseiriaand Dr Mercedes Martínez,and Professor Cristina López and Professor Mónica Polo, agrant to conduct a research project titled Cap a una Carta de Valors a Catalunya? La gestió de la diversitat religiosa en l’àmbit del treball i de l’ocupació pública (Towards a Values Charter in Catalonia? The management of religious diversity at work and in public employment).

This project will carry out a detailed legal analysis of private industry and government employees and their fundamental right to religious freedom. As background to this research, it will be necessary to know of international initiatives aimed at regulating or promoting policies concerning peoples’ ability to practice or fulfil religious obligations in their place of employment.

In addition, this year we will complete the research project – El reconocimiento del Trabajo decente al colectivo de trabajadores inmigrantes en España (The recognition of decent work among immigrant workers in Spain) – for which the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science awarded us a grant in 2012. Duringthese last two years we have published articles on this topic and have organised interesting conferences, the most important of which was held in Girona in November of last year. The papers presented and the discussions held on the idea of decent work have been collected in a soon-to-be published book titled Temps de canvi en el treball. El futur de les relacions laborals i els recursos humans en la perspectiva d’un treball decent en l’àmbit internacional, europeu i espanyol (Times of change in the workplace: The future of labour relations and human resources from the decent work perspective in Spain, Europe and worldwide).

We hope that our research has not beenfutile, and that the many people who have seen the quality and the security of their working conditions decrease are able to obtain decent jobs.

During the time remaining before the end of this project, we have been invited to participate in symposia on decent work, such as the one to be held in Belgium at the end of November at the University of Antwerp, where the issue of human dignity at work in accordance with European regulations will be discussed. We will also publish results from our research work and organise seminars and conferences. In fact, I would like to announce plans to hold a conference next October on experiences from the business sector in Girona related to salaries.

b) With regard to the instruction offered by the Area of Labour and Social Security Law in various undergraduate and graduate programmes at the University of Girona, I would like to mention two master’s programmes in which we are actively involved:

1. The master’s degree programme in Law, Migratory Movements and Diversity we will offer in October. Registration is currently open. This year, students will complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Law and Migratory Movements. Then, in 2015-2016, when they finish the Postgraduate Diploma in Law and Diversity, they will have met all the requirements for the master’s degree.

2. Our area is also closely involved with the master’s degree in Work, Labour Relations and Human Resources at the University of Girona. The success of this programme demonstrates the importance of offering studies in Girona that provide an opportunity to explore in greater depth the realities of business and labour.

It will be a pleasure for our Area of Labour and Social Security Law and for the corresponding research group to have you participate in the activities we organise, and about which you will find information on our web page or our Twitter account: @ADretTiSSUdG

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